Elephant Medical Committee

Betsy Stringer

Gretchen Cole, Stephanie McCain, Christine Molter, Jeff Proudfoot


The EMA Elephant Medical Committee is comprised of veterinarians from institutions with diverse elephant herd compositions who seek to provide our membership with infomration and guidance on a variety of medical topics to promote overall elephant health and well-being.

Committee Goals:

  1. Be a resource for EMA membership by providing guidance and expertise in elephant medicine.
  2. Provide regular updates on medical topics of importance to the elephant community.
  3. Promote open discussion and collaboration on medical topics among EMA members.
  4. Help fill knowledge gaps in elephant medicine by working with fellow EMA members.

The Elephant Managers Association (EMA) is an international, 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization.

All rights reserved. © 2023 Elephant Managers Association.

1513 Cambridge Street, Houston TX 77030

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